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Tiny House Happy Life - A Roadmap to Minimalism & Happiness

The Best Tiny House Toilets: Incinerating vs. Composting vs. Water-Flushed

Everyone goes to the bathroom. The choice to live in a tiny house doesn’t change that. However, it does alter the equation a bit. There are quite a few elements to tiny houses that make a conventional toilet an impossible option, from space limitations to the availability of water and sewer connections. There’s also the environmental impact to consider. Don’t worry, though. Living in a tiny home doesn’t mean that you’ll have to build an outhouse (unless you want to, of course). There are plenty of toilet options out there. The big question really boils down to, what are the best tiny house toilets, incinerating, composting or water-flushed? Let’s compare the options.

Incinerating Toilets

Incinerating toilets are exactly what they sound like – they use fire to burn away solid waste (urine is handled differently with most incinerating toilets). They’re fast, require less hassle and maintenance than composting toilets, and they have a very small environmental impact (at least from the end user’s point of view).

Incinerating toilets are available in two flavors – electric and propane. Both will require energy. If you’re using an electric model, you’ll be burning about 20 amps of power, which is a considerable amount if you’re living in a tiny house powered by solar energy. If you’re in a grid-tied house, this won’t be as much of a problem, but you’ll also probably have ready access to water and sewer/septic systems, so an incinerating toilet might not be part of the equation. If you’re using a propane version, you’ll need propane to power the system (that’s an additional cost, plus there’s the question of accessibility when you run out if you’re living in a remote area).

While these toilets do turn your solid waste into ashes (which are dumped out of the metal catch bowl once or twice a week), they’re not without their drawbacks. First, they’re costly, far more expensive than composting toilets. A new lower-end model might cost you as much as $1,900. There’s also the complexity involved in using it (it’s more than a simple flush). Finally, they’re smelly. While most of the smell is vented to the outdoors, it’s impossible not to smell it indoors. Burning poo isn’t the best odor.

So, incinerating toilets are environmentally sound, but they’re complicated and costly. They’re also not particularly good choices for those trying to eliminate their ties to the power grid.

Composting Toilets

Composting toilets have become something of the go-to solution for poo disposal in the tiny house world for a number of reasons. They’re very environmentally friendly, require no water, electricity or propane, and can be built very small to fit in any size tiny home. You’ll also find two varieties here – low-tech and high-tech composting toilets.

Low-tech composting toilets are exactly what you think they are. Essentially, this is a box with a toilet seat installed on the top. A liner is placed inside the box (a simple plastic bag can suffice), and waste goes in through the opening under the toilet seat. Composting material is added over the top of each “deposit”, creating layers (layers of alternating dry/wet material are vital for composting, as most gardeners can tell you). A wide range of composting materials can be used, including sawdust, peat moss, and soil.

Among the benefits of these toilets are the fact that they’re extremely affordable (you can build your own for under $100 in most instances), and they have no need of water or sewer systems. They also allow you to create your own compost for use in gardening (if you’re in a position to have a garden, which is not true for all tiny house owners).

Hi-tech composting toilets are a different story. There are plenty of different models on the market, including Nature’s Head, Biolet and more. If you’ve followed the story of Guillame and Jenna with their tiny house (TINY HOUSE giant journey), you know the couple opted for a Nature’s Head model, which cost $925 (far more than a low-tech composting toilet, but only half the cost of an incinerating model). Different models handle solid and liquid waste differently. The Nature’s Head model stores urine in a special holding tank (which must be emptied). Solid waste is turned into compost using crank aeration and composting materials.

While these are certainly less likely to smell than their low-tech counterparts, there are a few considerations here. The cost is definitely a factor. You’ll also need to consider the size of the model you prefer, the ventilation method, the composting method and other factors.

Note: All composting toilets create compost. However, it cannot be used on gardens for some time – solid human waste-based compost must cure for an entire year before it can be added to the garden as fertilizer. This means you need outdoor curing areas for your composting waste during that time.

Flush Toilets

Many tiny homes rely on RV-style low-flush toilets. These operate just the same as a conventional toilet in a stick-built home, but they’re very low in terms of water consumption. If you have water and sewer connections available to you, this is the simplest solution to your needs. However, those who want to minimize or eliminate their ties to the grid and their impact on the environment will find composting toilets the better solution.

In Conclusion

So, which are the best tiny house toilets? There’s no clear answer, as all three varieties have their own drawbacks and benefits. While composting toilets have become the most common solution thanks to their wide availability and relative low cost, that doesn’t mean they’ll be the right solution for your specific needs. Consider each of the three types, and then compare your options based on price, operation complexity, the potential for odors, and where you’ll be living. Your connection to sewer and water sources, no plans to be in one place long enough for composting and other factors will inform your ultimate decision regarding waste disposal.

Awesome Leopard Graphic

leopard picture

I am a highly visual person. If you show me an image or some text, I am likely to remember it. If you tell me something, I might remember it for a day (assuming it seemed important). Much of the tiny house movement involves self-discovery. In a world where the average American watches more than 5 hours of a TV a day, it is easy to be driven by what marketers tell you is cool.

Self-Discovery Process

You might be asking yourself what does living in a tiny house have to do with self-discovery? The first step for most people when transitioning to a smaller space is adopting a minimalist attitude. When we can store fewer possessions, we are capable of learning what items truly bring us pleasure. I use this process in my daily life whenever I make a new purchase. About a month after buying an item of any significance, I ask myself did that purchase make me happier or did the item simply find its way to a shelf somewhere. Often, I’ve been guilty of buying an item, even though I already owned a perfectly good version of the same item. Headphone are an example of an item that I had to break myself of the habit of buying new versions when the old versions were perfectly good.

After downsizing, people have to plan and build their tiny house. Most people will never have the opportunity to have a custom home built, yet alone build it with their own hands. Creating the plans for year you plan to live day in and day out makes us think a lot about how we live and what we desire. Many of us get so caught up in our daily routine that its easy to not ask why we do certain activities and most importantly, what do we actually like. Since the cost of a tiny house is so low, owners can add much more of their own flair.

One of the main objectives of the small house movement is to get out more and to treat nature the same way you used to treat your living room. When I am in nature, I see myself as a connected part of the Earth and my normal individualistic focus fades. I can’t help but think this is a sense that our more mystic minded ancestors frequently enjoyed.

Finally, by needing to work less to support our artificial needs, living a minimalist lifestyle gives us the ability to regain our lives. I can’t tell you how often I’ve worked 60+ hour weeks. I wasn’t living. I was simply hitting the fast forward button on my own life. Living with less gives us the opportunity to slow life down and enjoy the ride.

Storage Rack With 5 Shelves for $49.99

Valuemassage via Ebay has a chrome and black storage rack with 5 shelves on sale for $49.99 with free economy shipping. While these storage racks aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing, they are cheap, durable, and versatile. If you are building a tiny house a budget and need more storage space, these storage racks can be a great investment. Most people use these racks to store kitchen supplies. In a pinch, you can also hang clothes along the edges for maximum versatility.

storage rack


How Good Is The Deal?

The next cheapest price on Google Shopping is $69.99 from Rakuten. The Rakuten price is 40% more than the offer on Ebay.


Is It Sturdy?

Each shelf is capable of holding up to 350 pounds of evenly distributed weight. I’m impressed by this claim. They show it holding a microwave in one of the pictures. Kitchen storage is one of the most practical and common applications for a shelving unit like this in a tiny house. The total capacity for the entire unit is a whopping 1750 pounds.

sturdy shelves



This shelving unit is 6 feet tall, 14 inches deep, and 3 feet wide. While these dimensions might make it too large for some tiny houses, it also means the storage capacity is immense. The shipping weight is 40 pounds. Due to the awkward shape and lack of wheels, you will probably want someone to help you when moving this.



The reviews for this model on Rakuten are impressive. 37 people give it a 5 star rating with 3 people giving it a 4 star rating. I can’t remember the last time I saw a product that had 40 reviews and not one rating below a 4. Typically, you get at least one crusty person in the bunch that could find fault with Mother Teresa.



Assembly is broken into 3 easy steps. The average person should be able to assemble this unit in less than 20 minutes. No additional tools are required.


The WS-885 5 shelf storage rack for less than $50 shipped is a great price. Rakuten is the next cheapest seller and they want $20 more. Total storage capacity for this model is an impressive 1750 pounds. It isn’t the prettiest addition to a tiny house, but it will get the job done at a fair price. Click here to take advantage of this great offer.

Tumbleweed Tiny House Workshop in Sacramento This Weekend

Tumbleweed, one of the most prominent names in tiny houses, is hosting a two day workshop in Sacramento this weekend (February 21-22, 2015). The work shop is being held at the Holiday in Express at 2224 Auburn Blvd. This workshop will go from 9am to 5pm on Saturday. The Sunday sessions are from 9am until 3:30pm. Tickets are selling for $399 each. If you are looking for discounts, view our Tumbleweed coupon page.

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What Topics Are Covered?

  • Planning
  • Framing
  • Green systems (composting, solar, etc)
  • Design concepts
  • Installing roofing, doors, siding, trim, and windows
  • Interior livability and appearance
  • Trailers
  • The art of downsizing

Who Is the Host?

Ella Jenkins is the host of the Sacramento workshop. Ella is uniquely qualified to host this event. She built her own tiny house after attending a Tumbleweed workshop in Los Angeles several years ago. She has a radiant attitude and genuine passion to help people achieve their tiny house goals. Before attending the workshop, she had never built anything. Transitioning to a tiny house allowed Ella to live the life she wanted. She now only works a couple weekends a month, and she lives close to the beach. Said more succinctly, the tiny house transition allowed her to regain her life.

sacramento tiny house workshop


Workshop Review

Tumbleweed workshops are the best way to advance your tiny house dreams in a short amount of time. The compact nature of the workshops makes it feel like work. It is fun work, but it is work. Your mind will be overflowing with information by the time you finish the weekend. It is highly recommended that you take notes. It is also useful for some people to write down your questions before attending. Few things are more disappointing than realizing you forgot to ask your most burning questions. Bring some granola bars or some sort of light snack for when your blood sugar gets low. The high cost of these workshops means that I can only recommend them to those who are serious about pursuing their tiny house dream. If you are less certain, search for local tiny house Meetups. Those meetings are typically free and have lots of good information.

About Tumbleweed

Tumbleweed sells plans and pre-built tiny houses. They have gone through the process to be a certified RV manufacture. This makes their tiny houses a great choice for those who expect to face permitting hassles in their community. RV’s have far fewer restrictions than permanent structures. Tumbleweed used to be associated with Jay Shafer, one of the biggest name in the sector. Their prices tend to be higher than newer upstarts, but customers can buy with confidence.

Best Tiny House Documentaries

Get the Big Picture

Documentaries have exploded in popularity in recent years thanks to the advance of modern technology. YouTube alone has empowered documentary makers. Netflix has also helped give these filmmakers better access to viewers. The world of tiny houses has not been exempted from this trend, and you’ll actually find a wide range of films out there dedicated to exploring the world of tiny houses, small living, microgreen housing and more. What are the best tiny house documentaries, though? While you could certainly filter through the options on your own, let us give you a hand by pointing you to some of the better options out there.

Tiny: A Story about Living Small

tiny a story about living small

Tiny was filmed and produced by Christopher Smith, the builder who is the focus of the documentary. While the film is certainly about tiny houses and their wide range of permutations, it’s about something more. As Smith says, it’s “about home and how we find it”. Tiny follows Christopher Smith’s journey in building his tiny house from the very beginning. The opening scene is of Smith and his girlfriend Merete on the road to pick up the trailer that will eventually become the foundation of his home.

It chronicles his struggles and triumphs throughout the building process, from his somewhat naïve belief that he could complete the build largely unassisted over the course of a single summer to his eventual success and the move of the house to his land in extreme rural Colorado (where he lives completely off the grid, relying on solar power to run the house). It’s a very good look at what a DIY tiny house build is like, but it also goes deeper.

Interspersed throughout the documentary are interviews with other tiny house owners from around the country. They share their stories, their inspirations and their reasons for choosing to live in a tiny house. You’ll even find two of the industry’s most notable personalities here – Jay Shafer, founder of both Tumbleweed Tiny Homes and Four Lights, as well as Derek Diedricksen (Deek) of RelaxShacks.com (a designer, builder and all around tiny living enthusiast).

There are also interviews with Christopher’s family, giving viewers a look into his childhood and adolescence, as well as the views of those family members on his desire to live in a tiny house. The documentary’s powerful, positive message, personal focus and wide range of topics makes this a “must watch” for anyone considering living tiny. It can be purchased via the website or viewed on Netflix.

We the Tiny House People: Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters

If you’re looking for tiny house documentaries that don’t require a DVD player or a subscription to Netflix, this is right up your alley. We the Tiny House People: Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters is a film by Kirsten Dirksen, produced in 2012, that spans far more than what you might think of when imaging tiny houses. If your idea of a tiny house is a Tumbleweed or Four Lights model, this documentary will open your eyes to the immense possibilities inherent with living small.

Kirsten takes viewers on a wide-ranging tour of the tiny house world, including homes built in caves, riverboats, garage apartments, conventional trailer-based tiny homes and more (even a converted pigeon coop). However, the homes highlighted here are only a small part of what this documentary is really all about. The real gem is the wide range of individuals Kirsten interviews, who are happy to share their inspirations, drives, goals, triumphs and failures in living more sustainably.

In terms of locations alone, this documentary has a very broad focus. Kirsten travels across the US, hitting homes in California, New York and even Hawaii. She also takes viewers across the Atlantic to tour homes in a number of French cities, and then south into Spain. Viewers will find a wide range of individuals featured here, including Jay Shafer (one of the most influential individuals in the entire tiny house movement), Jenine Alexander of Forge Ahead Construction and Suchin Pak of MTV.

The documentary has received quite a bit of good press from sources like TreeHugger, The Blaze and Weekly World News, and it’s also available to view in its entirety on YouTube (it runs 1:21:47).

Small Is Beautiful: A Film by Jeremy Beasley

Scheduled for release in 2015, Small Is Beautiful promises to be one of the best tiny house documentaries. Directed by Jeremy Beasley, the film “follows a couple, a young guy and a 50-year-old herbalist through their own tiny house journey to see what it’s really like to build and live in a tiny house.” It will be a feature length documentary and is set for a worldwide debut.

While the film is not yet available for audiences, those champing at the bit to learn more can access a number of resources on the website (SmallBeautifulMovie.com). You can sign up for email notifications so you’re one of the first to know when it is released, but you can also access the blog, where you’ll find information not only about the movie, but about partnerships formed with other creators (including Melissa Rachel Black, who helped Jeremey produce a lovely illustrated notebook). Those notebooks can be purchased through the site’s store (a 3-pack is $16.95, and there is also an available mixed design 3-pack on offer). You can also preorder the movie here for $12.95.

Other Sources

While the three films listed above are (or promise to be) some of the best tiny house documentaries, there are many other video-related resources for those either contemplating a smaller lifestyle or already living the life. A couple of the better options can be found below:

RelaxShacks.com – If you’re looking for lots of video inspiration, look no further. Led by Deek Diedricksen, this YouTube channel delivers short, medium and long videos highlighting everything from new models manufactured by some of today’s top companies to plans dreamed up by the team.

Tumbleweed – Love tiny houses? Looking for inspiration or a possible model to purchase? Tumbleweed Tiny Homes has their own YouTube channel where they do model walk-throughs, demonstrations and more.

As the tiny house movement continues to gain steam, look for even more documentaries and video offerings to come out.

Best Tiny House Wardrobes

One of the first steps in transitioning to a tiny house is to get rid of what you don’t need. While I am relatively content walking around naked, society considers this behavior unacceptable. For this reason and my tendency to burn in the sun, I had to keep my clothes. The problem in a tiny house is where to store your clothes.

First Question

Are you trying to hide your clothes from view or simply trying to store them in a manner that will keep them clean and wrinkle free? Options in the latter category are significantly cheaper.

Cheapest Ways to Store Your Wardrobe in a Tiny House

amazon basic garment rack


The AmazonBasics garment isn’t pretty. I will give you that. It is, however, incredibly useful. The reviews are amazing with 87 out of 95 reviewers given the unit 4 or 5 stars. It comes with a one year warranty from Amazon. Locking wheels can be added for easy portability. Assembly can be completed in as little as fifteen minutes with no additional tools. We wish they would have added an extra adjustable shelf to better utilize the space. Oh well, maybe version two will come with one. Note, this unit is plastic and not metal as you might expect.

– Dimensions: 35 x 17.3 x 70.5

– Weight: 20.8 pounds


whitemor double rod closet

If you like the design of the AmazonBasics garment rack but want more space, this is your model. More than 1700 reviewers give this model an average rating of 4 out of 5. You have two different racks to hang clothes and five different shelves. The additional space could make the Whitmor perfect for couples. It actually costs twelve dollars less than the smaller Amazon unit. Unfortunately, it is not on wheels for easy movement. I doubt this will bother most people since placement option will be limited in your tiny house. Unlike the Amazon model, this unit has a more traditional steel frame. Overall, this is a great option if you have the space and need additional storage.

– Dimensions: 45.25 x 19.25 x 68

– Weight: 18.6 pounds


seville expandable closet

The Seville closet is neat because you can adjust the width from 58 inches to 83 inches. While i don’t see the larger dimension being logical for most tiny house owners, it is still a thoughtful touch from the designer. It costs almost three times what the Whitmor does, but $105 bucks shipped is still well within the range of most budgets. The main advantage over the Whitmor is the additional shelf space. It also has an impressive 100 pound per shelf and 125 pound per non extended rod weight capacity. The durable nature of this unit is a great selling point. As with the other two models.


Best Tiny House Wardrobes

If you want a more traditional wardrobe that will keep your unmentionables and rhinestone studded clothes out of site, we have some great choices for you too.


prepac wardrobe


Prepac Elite 32″ Wardrobe – $183.59

The Prepac wardrobe is the number one best-seller on Amazon. Reviews are stellar both on Amazon and on Google Shopping. 53 Amazon reviewers give the unit a 4 star rating. 78 customers on Google Shopping give it a 4.5 star rating. The $183 price on Amazon is about the best you will find online, but if they charge you tax, you can buy it on Overstock for a couple bucks more. Oddly, the country of origin for this wardrobe is Canada. That could certainly be a plus if you prefer to buy more local goods.

– Dimensions: 32″W x 65″H x 20″D

– Weight: 122 pounds


amish pine wardrobe


Amish Pine Wood Wardrobe – $515

The Amish Pine Wardrobe isn’t cheap, but it could fit beautifully in most tiny houses. I am in love with the natural finish. The store (dutchcrafters) actually allows customers to select their preferred finish and varnish. While it might be out of the price range for many, it is the sturdiest suggestion on this list. Not surprisingly, the Amish wardrobe is made in America. Other than price, the 6 to 8 week lead time could be a major downside for some prospective customers.

– Dimensions: 40″W x 60″H x 21.5″D


akadahome wardrobe


akadaHOME Torino Walnut Wardrobe – $145

The akadaHOME wardrove has an attractive price tag. It is sold at Home Depot with free ship to store to help keep the price low. The walnut appearance is actually a laminate. The darker colors could be a big selling point for those looking to find a good color match for the rest of their house. Two shelves are included (one at the bottom and one at the top). It also has one rod to hang clothes. This model comes in at a tiny house friendly width of 29.75 inches. By buying it at Home Depot, you also enjoy a convenient ninety day return window if it doesn’t fully suit you needs.

– Dimensions: 29.75″W X 72.25″H X 21″D

– Weight: 88 pounds


Buying a wardrobe for a tiny house can be a pain in the ass. Cost, size, and decor restraints equal one big headache. We hope that we’ve help illuminate some of the excellent options suitable for all needs. If you have another suggestion, please feel free to leave a comment.


Five Hundred Dollar Tiny House In Iowa

The Des Moines Register reported this week about how a couple of college students built a tiny house for just $489! This is a great demonstration of how ingenuity and tiny house designs can be a path to independence and freedom to people of at all budgets. The house that Amy Adrews and Ethan Van Kooten built clocks in at two-hundred and sixty square feet. I can’t help but remember that this was the same size as my first apartment. Given the ridiculously cheap price, it appears to be a sturdy built home, albeit not the shiniest.

iowa tiny house


How They Did It

Here is a breakdown of what Amy and Ethan spent on supplies:

  • Paint: $55
  • Door $13
  • Wood for Ceiling $110
  • Foam $25
  • Bolts $10
  • Door Frame $40
  • Wood Stove Ventilation Material $120
  • Window Weather Proofing $60
  • 500 Hours of Labor

Once a few other incidentals were added, the total amounted to just $489. One of the keys to the students success was a willingness to recycle the “junk” of others. Particularly in the United States, we throw away countless amounts of perfectly good building material and millions of working appliances because they are out of fashion or because it is easier than trying to find a new home for it. If you aren’t afraid of rummaging and know what you are looking for, you can save thousands.

Amy and Ethan originally wanted the house to be a demonstration house on campus, but a similar story arose. They ran into zoning issues. Zoning issues are still a problem for this structure as a city building official said it will need to be a foundation if it is a permanent structure. I wonder if this official would have been more lenient in his dictate if the couple has built their tiny house on a trailer. The house is currently sitting on farm land owned by Ethan’s dad.

iowa tiny house 3

The house doesn’t have any water hookups at the moment. They hope to add a rain barrel system, making this project even greener. A solar electric system with battery backups is on the roadmap for the future.

Despite the zoning and long-term livability issues that still need to be worked out, this is a phenomenal demonstration. I applaud this couples ingenuity and dedication with the greatest sincerity.

iowa tiny house 1


Best Tiny House Washing Machines

best tiny house washing machine

Washing machines take up a ton of a space. Washing clothes in a tiny house requires additional creativity.

Main Considerations

Electricity – washing machines use a lot of juice. If you rely on solar or batteries, you might be better off with a hand washing system. Traditional washing machines use larger 240-V connections instead of the standard 120-V connection. Washing machines do not require a CFCI outlet unless a sink is within six feet of the unit.

Plumbing – high-efficiency, larger washers still use between 14 to 25 gallons of water per load. If you are planning to be off the grid, that level of usage might not be feasible. A small hand operated Wonderwash uses 90% less water. The trade off is that it can only wash 10 t-shirts or 2 pairs of blue jeans at a time. Plumbing can also be a major expense when building a tiny house. You might want to stick with the hand operated machines to simply eliminate that cost.

Size – traditional washing machines are 27 inches wide and about 30 inches deep. Even if you have stackable units, that is still a lot of space for most tiny houses.

Hand Operated Option

  • Wonderwash – I am absolutely in love with this machine. You can buy it for less than $50 shipped on Amazon! The reviews are stellar. Given the tiny size, the capacity is impressive (10 t-shirts, 8 dress shirts, or 2 pairs of blue jeans). The entire unit only weighs six pounds. It only takes a few minutes of spinning for your clothes to clean. Make sure you watch the below video from Casey Friday if you are considering the Wonderwash. The dimensions are only 12 inches x 12 inches x 16 inches.

Price: ~$50


Small Electric Options

  • Miniwash – this is made by the manufacturer of the Wonderwash. The difference is this machine plugs into a standard 110 voltage wall outlet. The entire machine weighs 14 pounds.  The dimensions are 12 inches x 12 inches x 20 inches. It has far fewer reviews than the Wonderwash since it was only released in September, 2014. The only negative reviews are people who messed up using it the first time and got water all over their place. It might be good to read the setup instructions on this one.

Price: ~$80

miniwash by laundry alternative


  • Panda Mini – this is a great option for someone who is looking for a smaller automated machine. It is similar to the Miniwash, but it has been around longer. There are almost 400 reviews on Amazon with a stellar 4 star rating. The unit weighs 11 pounds with a 5.5 pound capacity. The unit is 14 inches x 14.6 inches x 19.3 inches.

Price: ~$90

  • Wonder Washer – this machine has a great price and equally good reviews. The entire unit weighs 8 pounds with a 7 liter laundry capacity. This is the most compact of the small electric options with dimensions of just 13 inches x 10 inches x 13 inches.

Price: ~$50

wonder washer


Compact Electric Options

  • Panda Pan30 – If you need to do more laundry than the Panda Mini feasibly allows, look at the Pan30. It is a great bridge machine. I refer to it as bridge machine because at 28 pounds it is far more substantial than the smallest options, but it isn’t nearly as big a combo washer dryer. Unlike the smaller units, you will need to connect this machine to your sink. The other great part about this machine is that in addition to being able to wash 6 to 7 pounds of clothes, you can also use it to dry 3 to 3.5 pounds of clothes. The manufacturer warns that a little bit of work is involved, but I am confident you will still view this machine as a life saver if you need it. The dimensions are 22.83 inches × 14.17 inches × 25.59 inches with a 43 inch sink hose.

Price: ~$210

  • Laundry Alternative LAFA5.5 – this is another innovative option by the manufacturer of the Wonder Washer. The washing capacity is 5.5 pounds. This unit weighs a little more than the Pan30 at 35 pounds. From a space perspective, you are looking at 16 inches x 17 inches x 25 inches.

Price: ~$230

laundry alternative


  • Haier HLP21N Pulsator – This model has more than 500 reviews on Amazon with a 4 star rating! The estimated operation cost is only $38 per year. The build quality is excellent with a steel tub. The capacity is 6 pounds. Casters are included with this unit for increased mobility. The total weight is 59 pounds with dimensions of 36 inches x 23.2 inches x 23.2 inches. Be careful not to be confused if you read the Amazon description of this item. The description makes it sound like it operates on AAA batteries, which is laughable. It plugs into a standard 110 volt connection. Overall, this is a great choice for those who have the space and budget.

Price: ~$300

haier small washer

Combo Washer Dryer

Combo washer dryers are ventless and use standard 110 volt wall outlets. They still need dedicated plumbing. These units are a huge step up in price. They are much closer to the standard washer and dryer most of us are used to with the major exception of time. To wash and dry a load of laundry you are looking at 3-4 hours. It still beats the old days of doing everything by hand, but you will be disappointed if you don’t anticipate how long the process takes with these machines.

  • Sekido SK 4000 – this is your standard off brand unit. Most of the sub 1000 dollar units (Midea, Meridian, Edgestar) are going to be about the same. The build quality isn’t stellar, but if you get a good machine and know what to expect int terms of how long they take, you will be satisfied. At 160 pounds, this unit isn’t portable by any stretch of the imagination. The 13 pound capacity is the biggest selling point. It is always great to be able to wash and dry clothes in one machine.

Price: ~$900

sekido washer dryer combo


  • LG WM3477HS – LG is the gold standard in washer dryer combos. Unfortunately, they are also priced like an ounce of gold. The big advantage of this machines is that it uses standard 110 volt power connections and doesn’t need to be vented. It has five temperature settings and a stainless steel drum. LG stands behind this product with a 10 year warranty on the motor. The great part about an LG warranty is you know that you won’t have any problems using it. The only real knock I have on this machine is that the $1400 price tag is out of reach for many. It is also too big for many tiny house situations with dimensions of 36 inches x 32 inches x 30 inches.

Price: ~$1500

lg washer dryer combo


Doing laundry in a tiny house doesn’t need to be a pain. Easy to use options exist for all price and size ranges. Do your research and laundry will be a minimal concern.


Inspirational Website Design

Living a minimalist lifestyle can provide you with the time to discover your true self. Working 50+ hours a week leaves us feeling like the best parts of our lives are being sold to the man. The design at adhamdannaway.com puts a clever and artistic spin on discovering who you are.


cool website design


I highly recommend clicking on the above image to visit his actual site. Personally, I view coding as being right up there with accounting on the interesting scale, but I am glad there are many with this passion.

What Makes This Guy More Inspirational?

He digs the fact that numerous people have copied his design. Here is a collage he put together of some of the more than 20 sites that have copied his concept.



I’m going to take this to a weird place, but can you imagine how much better the world would be if Pfizer was happy companies in India and Brazil copied their formulas because it meant they had accomplished something great. Instead we live in a world where drug companies delay improving drugs until the patents are about to run out because of pure greed. I have to take a maintenance medication that reduces my bone density, increases my risk of heart disease, raises my cholesterol, and lowers my testosterone. I can’t help but think the drug company has a road map to eliminate each of those problems, but they need 40 years of extended patents to do it.

The point is I wish we lived a world that was motivated by what is right and true to ourselves instead of greed and materialism.

Tiny House In New Zealand

The small house movement is a global phenomenon. People from around the globe are stressed to the gills by large house payments and ever growing work weeks. Despite its immense natural beauty, New Zealand is no exception.

I found an article about a New Zealand family who built a tiny house. This article was originally published at stuff.co.nz.  Bevan Thomas, a resident of Christchurch, NZ, built his tiny house from scratch. He fell in love with the movement as a way to help both the environment and the millions of people who don’t want to or can’t be tied to a halve million dollar plus mortgage.


new zealand tiny house


Bevan’s story is different than most who pursue a tiny lifestyle. He spends much of his time living on a yacht with his wife and three children. His time on a boat filled him with the wisdom that less space doesn’t have to mean sacrifice.

The tiny house he constructed uses beautiful wood siding and even better floor. Windows are abundantly placed throughout the structure to give it an open feel. 14 foot tall ceilings also give a feeling of being in a much larger home. At almost 23 feet long, this is a luxurious tiny house. He managed to squeeze in two small bedrooms in the upper living area, a full kitchen, and a bathroom with shower.

new zealand tiny house 2

Having completed his project, Bevan is now looking to sell his tiny house in hopes to build more. He is asking for $75,000. This price seems a tad high by American standards, but if countless hours of House Hunters International have taught me anything, it is that New Zealand and Australia are cheap places to live.

Bevan helped setup the Christchurch Tiny House Facebook page.  They are up to almost 600 likes. They also had more sixty people attend their first meeting. This is a great example of the grassroots efforts being spawned by the tiny house movement. People helping others learn and grow is the name of the game.

christchurch tiny house